距离贝博体彩app一天车程内的温泉 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
A woman relaxes in a natural hot springs 贝博体彩app以外.
石灰华温泉. 信贷:@whereivewandered


Whatever your style, there's a hot spring within a day's drive of San Francisco waiting for you.

If you're looking to relax amidst Northern California's natural beauty, 我们有一些很棒的选择. 只是 贝博体彩app以外, you'll find a number of hot springs that offer you a great retreat from the hustle and bustle. Some are barely tamed by nature; others are part of luxurious resorts. Whatever your style, there's a hot spring within a day's drive of San Francisco waiting for you.


林肯大街1880号., Calistoga

冒险进入 葡萄酒的国家 为了一些安宁和乐趣. 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心 boasts everything from cozy fire pits and an indoor whirlpools to their outdoor pool. Both pools are fed by the property's hot mineral springs. Stay for some live music or meet in the lobby for a complimentary wine tasting. If you want to explore the region, rent a bike and go for a ride amid the beautiful landscape. 无论你是想去桑拿还是蒸汽房排毒, 漂浮在矿物池中, 或者和朋友在温泉花园放松, 这个属性提供了你所需要的一切.



华盛顿街1006号., Calistoga

Relax like royalty at 卡利斯托加温泉, located in Napa Valley. Calistoga Spa温泉怎么样, 泥浴, 按摩服务, as well as 56 renovated guest rooms and a fitness studio. The establishment regularly has special packages on guest rooms, 水疗服务, 加上令人难以置信的葡萄酒之旅和品酒的信息.



林肯大道1712号., Calistoga

Soak away at one of Napa Valley's most popular resorts and one of California's original spas. Lodgings at 印第安泉度假村和水疗中心 extend across 17 acres and include cottages, 平房, 和传教复兴风格的建筑. 印第安泉提供热矿泉水, 泥浴, and special treatments so that you can enjoy a true mental and physical retreat.



春江路13201号., Ukiah

Take a day trip to the heart of the Mendocino Coastal Range at this clothing-optional rustic retreat. 在这连绵起伏的山丘上, 你会发现奥尔温泉度假村, a property with overnight accommodations including rooms, 蒙古包里, or cottages and a healthy and rejuvenating bathhouse for soaking. The mineral waters have calcium, potassium, boron, sulfur, and many other natural minerals. The water flows to the tubs directly from the earth at 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Guests can book a day pass for $50, which requires an advance reservation. Book four to six weeks in advance to ensure availability.



是徒步旅行者和露营者最喜欢的目的地, 赛克斯温泉 is a stone-lined natural pool next to the Big Sur River. It can hold about four adults and averages around 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The trek to the pool will probably tire you, unless you're an elite hiker. That makes a soak in this natural hot spring all the more glorious. What's also spectacular is that you'll be surrounded by redwood trees and the serenity of the forest.



Experience 日本 hot springs in the unspoiled Ventana Wilderness. 禅宗寺院, Tassajara is managed by the San Francisco Zen Center and is open to guests and students from late April through September. 另外还有室内和室外热浴, 塔萨加拉有蒸汽房, 阳台, 和淋浴. You can also participate in daily meditation sessions, Buddhism workshops, and more. If you're searching for tranquility, this may be your best choice.



When deciding which hot springs to visit, definitely put 石灰华温泉 on your list. 东塞拉山脉的天然温泉, 石灰华温泉 showcases unique and picturesque mineral formations, along with unobstructed views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 附近的公园提供了过夜的地方, or you can sleep in the cabins at Mono Hot Springs in the Sierra Nevada Forest.


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and The Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


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