贝博体彩app 按社区划分的夜生活 | 贝博体彩app Travel-贝博体彩


的re’s so much to see and do in 贝博体彩app that visitors and residents alike could spend weeks exploring and still not see or do it all. 但是太阳下山时的活动呢?

贝博体彩app有 夜生活 为了配合白天的变化 景点. If you’re looking to explore the City by the Bay after hours, 去贝博体彩app的一个或所有这些地方 社区.



联合广场 is the neighborhood for those amazing, delicious cocktails made by "experts.“不要再往下看了 山楂, which offers a full craft cocktail menu as well as signature favorites, 由本市最好的调酒师精心调制. 你第一眼看到 太平洋鸡尾酒天堂 drink menu will tell you that you’re in for something extraordinary at this award-winning bar. 被公认为全球50家最佳酒吧之一的P.C.H.哦,啪!! features gin, absinthe, sherry, citrus, tonic, and sugar snap peas—not your usual combination. 想要欣赏令人瞠目结舌的360度城市美景和美味的鸡尾酒, 城市景观 in the Hilton 贝博体彩app 联合广场 is the place to be. 从40多层楼上看日落! 



You’re bound to rub elbows with locals at these unpretentious dive bars in the 任务 neighborhood. 500俱乐部用一个老式的霓虹灯招牌向你招手, 让你有便宜的饮料和点唱机, and comes by dive bar status naturally with graffiti-laden bathroom walls. Likely the home of one of the few phone booths left in the city, this dive bar boasts cheap beer—both bottled and on tap—and a well-worn pool table. 本德酒吧和烧烤店 slings bar 食物 as well as drinks, and has two pool tables and a photo booth. Its outside patio is nothing to write home about, allowing it to keep its dive bar cred.



SoMa有很多舞蹈俱乐部,你会想去所有的俱乐部. 开始 DNA休息室, 音乐是DJ和现场乐队的混合, 从朋克到摇滚再到流行等等. 猫俱乐部的 有两个舞池和一个蹦蹦跳跳的笼子, 还有多种多样的80年代音乐,包括哥特音乐, 新一波, 流行和电子. 夜总会 绿洲 offers guest appearances by cabaret artists and drag queens, 还有很棒的dj和舞会.  Audio 是为了给你一种超凡脱俗的声音体验, and its spring-loaded dance floor will keep you moving all night.



A majority of 贝博体彩app’s performance halls are located in this neighborhood. 去戴维斯交响音乐厅听 贝博体彩app交响乐团, as well as guest orchestras and a classic film series accompanied by music. 如果你喜欢用乐器演奏咏叹调,试试 贝博体彩app歌剧院位于历史悠久的战争纪念歌剧院. 爵士乐爱好者会喜欢的 SFJAZZ中心, where an ever-changing calendar of performances runs the gamut from Grammy winners to rising stars. 的 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团 season runs January through May, with performances of "的 Nutcracker" in December. 爱看戏的人可以在这两家都看一场戏 BroadwaySF的 Orpheum or Golden Gate theaters, or, for a unique, mind-bending sound-space experience, try out Audium.

End a night of arts and culture with a nightcap at a classy place like 夏曼屋顶酒吧 & 休息室 或白教堂. Charmaine's has a European feel, great city views, and the fire pits will keep you cozy. 酒单上只有杜松子酒 白色的教堂它提供北美最大的杜松子酒选择. Step inside and be transported to an underground Tube station somewhere in East London.



贝博体彩app has its fair share of bars serving microbrews, 以及里士满和普雷西迪奥的街区 福特角啤酒公司-推荐两个最好的. 在要塞的会议 is a great place for some early 夜生活, since closing is at 8 p.m. 每天. It’s worth the visit for a menu of around 25 microbrews that change 每天, 还有每天三杯五盎司的啤酒. Sessions also has a standing menu of nearly 90 craft beers and ciders available by the bottle. 的 里士满共和国草稿房 is a neighborhood sports bar with more than 20 craft beers on tap, 每杯酒的价格在7美元到12美元之间. 如果你经常来的话, become a member of the Mug Club and always get happy hour prices on all beers, 每周二赠送一瓶7美元的啤酒.


Embarcadero /金融区 

如果你喜欢慢慢品味你的夜生活, this neighborhood has some distinctive places to enjoy regional wines. 木桶屋 offers more than 50 wines by the glass and flight, with a speakeasy lounge open late. 这里的葡萄酒 贝博体彩app葡萄酒协会 横跨全球,包含18页的菜单. 在舒适的环境中享受它们, exposed-brick setting or consider booking the outside bocce court if you prefer some activity with your vino. 巴巴罗萨酒廊 pays homage to the former Bubble 休息室 that it replaced with a generous champagne menu. If you prefer your wine effervescent, pull your chair up here. 欣赏这里的建筑,还有浴室的墙纸. Serious wine drinkers, or wine drinkers on serious business or a date, should head to 记者俱乐部. This retro modern wine bar is one of the only bars in the U.S. 提供稀有的大杯,使用专利 Coravin 系统. 你必须亲自去看,去品尝.


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and 的 Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in 贝博体彩app with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.

的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the 贝博体彩app Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.